The Cross and the Manger
The Cross and the Manger – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor preach God’s word in ‘The Cross and the Manger’.
The Cross and the Manger – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor preach God’s word in ‘The Cross and the Manger’.
Matthew was an unlikely follower of Jesus, but when Jesus called him, Matthew GOT UP and followed Him. When Jesus calls, do we get up and truly follow? Denis teaches from Matthew 9 in this week’s message: He Got Up Watch on Facebook Return home
Fear Of God vs. Fear Of Man – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor preach God’s word in ‘Fear Of God vs. Fear Of Man’. Watch on Facebook Listen on Podchaser Audio Version Return home
Beware of False Teachers – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor preach God’s word in ‘Beware of False Teachers’. Watch on Facebook Return home
Sermon Title: The Church that leaves a bad taste in Christ’s mouth. Watch on Facebook Return home
The Ins and Outs of Baptism – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor preach God’s word in ‘The Ins and Outs of Baptism’. Watch on Facebook Return home
A COVID Christmas – Please join us after the service via Zoom so we can visit with one another. Watch on Facebook Return home