Mission Possible
Join us to learn about the exciting mission that Christ has called us to.
Join us to learn about the exciting mission that Christ has called us to.
CPR for Christian Living – Please join us for fellowship through Zoom after the service. Here are links of references to people mentioned in the sermon:https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/justin-taylor/warren-wiersbe-1929-2019https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._S._Lewis S.G. de Graaf (1889-1955), a Dutch Reformed minister perhaps not too well-known among English-speaking readers, published an excellent work on the history of redemption which he titled Verbondgeschiedenis (literally,…
It Begins In my Own Heart – Join Doug as he talks about how it begins with the reflection of one’s own heart. Watch on Facebook Return home
God, what on Earth are you doing? – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor preach God’s word in ‘God, what on Earth are you doing?’. Watch on Facebook and YouTube Listen on Podchaser Audio Version Return home
Schooled by Noah about Faith – Join us after the service for coffee via Zoom. Watch on Facebook Return home
Christian Maturity – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor recite the book of Hebrews 6. Watch on Facebook Listen on Podchaser Audio Version Return home
Matthew was an unlikely follower of Jesus, but when Jesus called him, Matthew GOT UP and followed Him. When Jesus calls, do we get up and truly follow? Denis teaches from Matthew 9 in this week’s message: He Got Up Watch on Facebook Return home