Jesus is Greater, So Hold Fast (Hebrews 3)
Jesus is Greater, So Hold Fast – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor recite the book of Hebrews 3.
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Jesus is Greater, So Hold Fast – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor recite the book of Hebrews 3.
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The Hard Truth About The Faithful Church – Please join us as we continue our journey through Revelation and take a look at what Jesus considers a Faithful Church. Watch on Facebook Return home
Not Your Own – Join us virtually as our Open Arms team and our pastor preach God’s word in ‘Not Your Own’. Watch on Facebook Return home
Discipleship from the Heart – Join us to discover how the heart motivates the true desire to disciple. Watch on Facebook Return home
Where does your help come from? – Please join us after the service on Zoom for coffee and a visit. Scripture References Biography of Jean-Pierre de Caussade Little is known about the life of the Jesuit priest Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675-1751) beyond the bare facts of his career.He was born in 1675 and entered the…
John the Baptist, The Man and the Message – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor recite the book of Luke 3:4-6. Watch on Facebook and YouTube Listen on Apple Podcasts and Podchaser Audio Version Return home
CPR for Christian Living – Please join us for fellowship through Zoom after the service. Here are links of references to people mentioned in the sermon: S.G. de Graaf (1889-1955), a Dutch Reformed minister perhaps not too well-known among English-speaking readers, published an excellent work on the history of redemption which he titled Verbondgeschiedenis (literally,…