Discipleship from the Heart – Valentine’s Day 2021
Discipleship from the Heart – Join us to discover how the heart motivates the true desire to disciple.
Discipleship from the Heart – Join us to discover how the heart motivates the true desire to disciple.
Join us to learn about the exciting mission that Christ has called us to. Watch on Facebook Return home
Christian Maturity – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor recite the book of Hebrews 6. Watch on Facebook Listen on Podchaser Audio Version Return home
The Hard Truth About The Faithful Church – Please join us as we continue our journey through Revelation and take a look at what Jesus considers a Faithful Church. Watch on Facebook Return home
Join us as the worship team leads us in praises to God followed by Denis Clay and his message about changing times. Watch on Facebook Return home
What on Earth Happened? – Sorry for the abrupt ending to this video sermon. Open Arms lost power during the service and therefore lost the Wi-Fi signal for videoing. Thanks for your patience.Join us after the service for coffee on Zoom! Watch on Facebook Return home
Why the Resurrection Matters – Please join us today as we celebrate 2021’s Easter Sunday service. Happy Easter! Watch on Facebook Return home