Before we get caught up in the building,
let’s take time to focus on what Open Arms mission is truly about.
The church is not the building, IT’S THE PEOPLE.
Mission Statement
The Open Arms mission statement is
’Knowing Jesus and Making Jesus Known
through Love, Truth, Community, and Action’

Life Model
This life model is a visual aid to help us live out our mission statement as a church family, in our small group bible studies, and in our personal lives, Our desire is to authentically bring Jesus first to our community and then to wherever God calls us.

Why Are We Moving?
Three and a half years ago, on November 8, 2015 when Open Arms opened its 59 seat capacity home-style church in the basement of Doug and Lillian Lake’s home, no one envisioned running out of room so quickly!
But with most services running at or above capacity, with one Sunday having 68 people in attendance, it was time for Open Arms to look for a bigger place for the church family. As Parrsboro itself has very limited options in pre-existing structures, the leadership team quickly realized that building new was the only option. For several months, Open Arms was looking at a 3.5 acre piece of property that for several reasons was no longer an option. When God closes one door He opens another!
We now have purchased a 14 acre piece of property 3 km from the center of Parrsboro. This will make a wonderful future home for our Open Arms church family! There is a lot of potential in the size and placement of this property for both future growth, ministry opportunities and community support. It is placed well for access to people from several different communities. There are power and town water lines nearby.
How can a little church make such a big move financially?
You know that God is working when the amount of support money given by supporting churches, individuals, the regional and Federal Fellowship, matched exactly the asking price for the property.
There has been a Growth Fund set up to support giving through Faith Baptist Church in Great Village, NS for the Open Arms Church development project but as of July 5th we are now our own independent church and can now accept giving through e-transfer: We are very grateful to all who partner with us in prayer and deed, and who see the vision and mission that God has for this area.
See the President’s Blog and Fellowship Atlantic articles for more information.
The Build
We had a few amazing weeks with volunteers coming from all over Nova Scotia, PEI, New Brunswick, BC and South Carolina!
We are so thankful for all those people – their hard work, their fellowship, and for their love of the Lord.
This is truly what ‘church’ is… not the building, but the people coming together to love and serve for God’s Glory!