Broken at His Feet
Broken at His Feet – Join us to see what it means to be broken at His feet.
Broken at His Feet – Join us to see what it means to be broken at His feet.
I’ve Got This God – Join us as we look at God’s response to our desire for autonomy. Watch on Facebook Return home
Weakness: The Pathway to the Cross – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor preach God’s word in ‘Weakness: The Pathway to the Cross’. Watch on Facebook Return home
Forsaking Your First Love – Join us as we sing praises to God followed by Pastor Doug starting us in a journey through Revelation. We will also be doing communion, so please have your elements ready. Watch on Facebook Return home
Why Build a Church in Parrsboro? – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor preach God’s word in ‘Why Build a Church in Parrsboro?’. Watch on Facebook Return home
The Storm – It’s often in the storms of life that we learn our greatest lessons. Jesus taught Peter some strong lessons in a storm; lessons that apply to us today. Denis teaches from Matthew 14. Watch on Facebook Return home
Work Out Your Own Salvation – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor preach God’s word in ‘Work Out Your Own Salvation’. Watch on Facebook Return home