All Creation for God’s Glory
All Creation for God’s Glory – All of creation, including you, was created to give God glory! Come and find out how you and all that is on Earth was wonderfully created.
All Creation for God’s Glory – All of creation, including you, was created to give God glory! Come and find out how you and all that is on Earth was wonderfully created.
God our Redeemer – Join us this morning at 10am as we dive back into the Old Testament. This week’s focus is the Passover. We will take look at how the Passover in the Old Testament brings clarity to our Salvation in the New Testament. The big question this week we will answer is: why…
Why the Resurrection Matters – Please join us today as we celebrate 2021’s Easter Sunday service. Happy Easter! Watch on Facebook Return home
Resting in Christ, Longing for Life, and Trusting in God’s Promises! – Join us as we sing praises to God followed by Doug as he finishes the story of Noah with some key insights. Watch on Facebook Return home
Logical Existence of God – Join us on Zoom after the service for coffee and a visit. Watch on Facebook Return home
Rock Solid Truth – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor preach God’s word in ‘Rock Solid Truth’. Watch on Facebook Return home
Unevenly Yoked – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor preach God’s word in ‘Unevenly Yoked’. Watch on Facebook Return home