Aim High in Steering
Aim High in Steering – Join us as our Open Arms team and Denis Clay preach God’s word in ‘Aim High in Steering’.
Aim High in Steering – Join us as our Open Arms team and Denis Clay preach God’s word in ‘Aim High in Steering’.
Confidence To Draw Near – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor preach God’s word in ‘Confidence To Draw Near’. Watch on Facebook Return home
Matthew was an unlikely follower of Jesus, but when Jesus called him, Matthew GOT UP and followed Him. When Jesus calls, do we get up and truly follow? Denis teaches from Matthew 9 in this week’s message: He Got Up Watch on Facebook Return home
To Know Him Is To Love Him – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor preach how knowing Him is loving Him. Watch on Facebook and YouTube Listen on Podchaser Audio Version Return home
Join us to learn about the exciting mission that Christ has called us to. Watch on Facebook Return home
Weakness: The Pathway to the Cross – Join us as our Open Arms team and our pastor preach God’s word in ‘Weakness: The Pathway to the Cross’. Watch on Facebook Return home
John the Baptist: The Prisoner – Join us as the Open Arms team and our pastor recite the book of Matthew 11:1-6. Watch on Facebook and YouTube Listen on Apple Podcasts and Podchaser Audio Sermon Return home