Who We Are
Who is Open Arms?
Open Arms is the essence of who we are under Christ: we want everyone who comes in our doors to feel welcomed, encouraged, and at home. Our mission is “Knowing Jesus and Making Jesus known through Love, Faith, Truth, and Action.”
We welcome you to come as you are no matter where you come from or what your background is. We have a relaxed and modern style, with a focus on the delivery of the truth of God’s Word. Our greatest desire is to see you experience love from our people and our Lord Jesus Christ.

What We Believe
There are all kinds of terms and phrases that get used and abused in our language and culture. So much so that when it comes to Jesus and those who would follow Him, it becomes necessary to define ourselves and our beliefs so as not to be misunderstood or misrepresented. As for our beliefs, we are solidly within what might be called classic historic Christian faith. The more technical term for this is biblical orthodoxy.
Mission Statement: Knowing Jesus and making Jesus known through Love, Truth, Community and Action
We Believe:
That the Bible is God’s Word & our ultimate authority
That the One true God exists in the persons of The Father, The Son, and The Spirit
That mankind is fallen and lost without Christ
That Jesus lived a perfect life and died for us and that He rose again
That we are saved from our sin by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone
That we should live for God by faith out of gratitude
That Jesus is coming again for those who know Him
That there is an afterlife for each of us either in heaven with Jesus or in hell without Him
That the church belongs to Christ and exists for His mission to reach the world
(A full doctrinal statement can be made available upon request)
Our Approach
Q: How we do evangelism?
A: Evangelism happens mostly one on one, but also in small group and sometimes in larger gatherings. It is primarily relational in nature though there are all kinds of material and ‘tools’ that are employed.
Q: How we do spiritual formation?
A: Spiritual formation happens largely as a result of community group life, though we also instruct and encourage individuals in the use of personal devotional disciplines of daily quiet times of Bible reading and prayer. Community Group life will be centered around Biblical study, worship, and fellowship and groups will also function as mission outreach teams.
Q: How we do leadership development?
A: Leadership development will be a primary responsibility of the planter and his team. It will consist of significant study with a strong accountable mentoring component along with guided participation in leadership functions.

What Happens on Sunday Mornings?
Sunday morning gatherings begin at 10AM. Come a few minutes early so you can grab a coffee, sit down and relax as you get to know our folks. Enjoy the service as we seek to be authentic in how we present the truth.
- We start with an introduction and probably a little humour to bring a smile to your day. God made humour!
- Our band leads us in contemporary worship music as we sing praise to our God.
- A time of offering to give back to the Lord.
- Our kids are dismissed to Kidz Church where they are taught about Jesus in a safe, interactive, and fun environment (See details about our programming and how we work to keep your children safe on our ministry page)
- An easy-to-understand message is given, relevant to people’s lives and straight from the truth of Scriptures.
- Prayer ends the message portion of the gathering.
What are Community Groups?
We believe there is a need to have learning and community outside Sunday mornings. Community groups are held at different homes and nights during the week so you can ask questions or just simply listen. They are essential to individual and church growth. Hosts and leaders create an environment that parallels the Sunday morning, helping you to feel welcomed, accepted, at home, and part of a family where you learn truth. In a smaller group you will find more support through developing relationships that are not as easy to make in a bigger group such as Sunday mornings.

Church Membership
Want to make this your official church home? Talk to Doug Lake about what membership is all about.
This grassroots church planting initiative to see a vital and Gospel-centered church presence established in Parrsboro is a joint effort involving a number of partners:
FBC Great Village
Port Greville Baptist Church
Main Street Baptist Church
Find us on a number of different directories and fellowship websites:
Open Arms Church on FundyConnect
Nova Scotia Area Churches on Fellowship Atlantic